Well, it's been one year since the metacarpal busting incident and while I can't say that it has been a direly traumatic or even a most painful rehabilitation, it still sucks. As I had mentioned, a healthy main knuckle can give each finger 45 degrees of flex whereas mine is roughly in the high 30s. Perhaps in another year, I will be able to get more flex or lose some. I simply have to accept what damage that has been done and move on.
People go through worse things in life. I know that, and I try to deny myself any self-pity, but when it's at a personal level ... it's sometimes quite difficult. I believe each of us are plagued with vanity and other negative attitudes in one way or another. It's actually strange how we are the almighty intelligent species, but are the most destructive against other species while including ourselves - isn't this the primary cause of Boxer Fractures? So, we humans are far from perfect ('perfection' is nonexistent and is a tripe term in itself) and it's actually okay if I harbor regret of the incident and some animosity against what I believe is deficient medical care - after all, who actually loves their job and puts in the 100% work day? Then again, there is something to be said for the lack of commonsense in people who break themselves instead of doing the much harder task of controlling their emotions. Yeah, been there - done that - and got the mental tattoo.
Ah well, there's more important issues to tend with, like an early midlife crisis that is really putting the 'i' into depression. Some people - optimists - say that life is long. That statement may be true if one forgets that people usually start falling apart way before halfway through. Hmmmm, if blogs wouldn't suck my mental and creative juices dry, I would start one enriched in my ever so cascading psycho/sociopathy. Without the hoopla or drama, maybe a blog to state why we are simply parasitical organisms.
Without further ado, I still have compelling bouts of wanting to punch things and hope I can kick my own ass before this incident repeats itself. ;p