August 08. I can assure you that my hand is looking and feeling better each day. The above images are from yesterday before bathing and pampering the hand.

August 03. This is the first picture stream. I wish I had taken initial pictures, but hey... shock is a strange drug when giving birth to your first broken bone. I really wish I took one of my first X-Ray though. I could not use my good camera due to being right handed and somewhat cumbersome for single-handed use, but the crappy MOTOKRZR cam will have to do (Doesn't appear anywhere near a 2.0MP as advertised).
The dark shades at the knuckles and gauze wrap points are pools of dead blood underneath the swelling skin. I do keep my wounded hand clean as can be, but the future trimming of the ring and pinky fingernails is a no-go for quite a while.
that is 1 ugly jand
Hahaa, true dat.
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